Sunday 14 April 2013


The key to all photographs, whether shooting with film or digital cameras, is light. It will determine how will you compensate or balance the exposure. The rule is simple. If there is too much light you have to reduce it to correct the exposure and in low light situations you have to increase light supply. In automatic mode, your camera will adjust or balance the right amount of light for you by selecting the right settings with the help of controllers (Aperture, Shutter, ISO), but in manual exposure mode you have to set them on your own.
The Controllers of lights 
There are three parameters which controlls the amount of light. Together they form Exposure Triangle. And the beauty is they can balance each other.
  1. Aperture : controls amount of light flow & Depth Of Field
  2. Shutter speed: controls time of light flow, motion blur & freeze
  3. ISO: controls light sensitivity & Noise or Grain

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